Please check out our 2024 Big Poet Give site!

Gifts to the Whittier Fund secure the foundation of Whittier College's institutional excellence.

The Whittier Fund has the flexibility to meet the most pressing college needs and help us sustain the core services that are the essence of the Poet experience. Gifts to the Whittier Fund are expended immediately to help meet the College's most important needs and priorities including:

  • Critical financial support for academic and extracurricular programs that inspire our students every day
  • Scholarships to bridge the financial gap for academically talented students who might otherwise not have the opportunity to earn a college degree
  • Institutional investments that create a great learning experience, including modern classrooms, teaching and research labs, information technology, and living spaces
  • Investments in Wardman Library, the College's intellectual hub, in order to meet the research, curricular, and information needs of students and faculty in the 21st century.

A Whittier Fund gift of any size can make a difference. 

Let's turn the map purple for #BIGPOETGIVE!
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 76
2 HI 6
3 WA 5
Don't forget to share!

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