Please check out our 2024 Big Poet Give site!

Wardman Library provides a vibrant and welcoming environment for the college community facilitating collaboration, research support, and innovation.  While the Library offers access to thousands of print and electronic resources, group spaces to collaborate, individual study spaces, instructional workshops, and technology to support research and academic success, we continue to grow to meet our students' evolving needs.

We invite supporters of equitable access to higher education to help us with our vision to improve learning spaces, provide new and updated technology, and create opportunities for partnerships and discovery.  

A gift to the Wardman Library can help provide support in these areas:

  • Library Instructional Space
  • Poet Commons & Special Collections internship program
  • Improvement of the Extended Hours Study Space
  • Special Collections Reading Room
  • Access to course textbooks


“As a commuter, the Wardman Library has been a great home to me because it has allowed me to make deeper connections with my peers and create new ones. The Wardman Library always had the resources and workshops I needed to excel in my assignments. I also highly depended on the library to have the books required for my courses, so they saved me tons of money. Thanks to the Wardman Library I have been a successful WC student because it pushed me to be a better studious student and I will carry this ethic even after I leave WC.” 

- Dafne Avila; c/o 2022; Anthropology Major

“The Whittier College Wardman Library has definitely played a major role in my success at Whittier College. I have always found it to have a very open and welcoming environment. It’s a nice and quiet place to study and do homework, or even relax after a very hectic day on campus. I have also gotten a job there to help pay for my college tuition. The Wardman Library will always have a special place in my heart and I will forever be grateful for it playing a major role in my success here at Whittier College.” 

- Megan Thai; c/o 2022; Child Development Major

“The Wardman Library has provided me with a space to work, study, and rest. It's a place where I can sit and read for hours, a place where I can watch hours of videos, and a place where I can get to know the "Inside Deets" through my work-study. I have the library to thank for having a working computer and printer when I did not and for giving me a chance to be a part of the Whittier College community. Without the library, I think other students and I would be lacking a place that provides us with most of our success.”

- Michelle De La O; c/o 2023; English Major

“The Wardman Library plays a major role in my success at Whittier College. It acts as a quiet place to do my homework, helps me save money, and gives me a place to relax. I have saved money while using the library because they have offered some of my required texts for my classes for free. The library also helps me get work done as they allow students to check out technology such as laptops and chargers. Finally, I use the library as a place to relax sometimes because it's a quiet and calm place, away from the loudness of the campus.”

- Samantha Abad; c/o 2024; Child Development Major

Campaign Donor Challenge
Which Big Poet Give campaign will have the most donors? The campaign with the most donors will receive an additional $300! *excludes Poet Athletics & The Whittier Fund
Rank Prize Department/Programs Donors
1 $300 Societies 25
2 Black Alumni Association Support Fund 18
3 Sachsens 17
4 Academic Departments 14
5 Student Emergency Fund 12
Lunchtime Power Hour
The campaign with the most donors between 12 pm - 2 pm will receive an additional $300! *excludes The Whittier Fund
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $300 Athletics 4
2 Societies 4
3 Sachsens 4
4 Student Emergency Fund 4
5 Presidential Initiatives 2
Campaign Dollar Challenge
Which Big Poet Give campaign will raise the most dollars? The campaign with the most dollars raised will receive an additional $300! *excludes Poet Athletics & The Whittier Fund
Rank Prize Department/Program Raised
1 $300 Center for Engagement with Communities $50,325.00
2 Black Alumni Association Support Fund $8,600.00
3 Presidential Initiatives $5,700.00
4 Pride Endowed Scholarship $5,600.00
5 Film Major $2,900.00
Let's turn the map purple for #BIGPOETGIVE!
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 3
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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