Please check out our 2024 Big Poet Give site!

Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about Big Poet Give 2023.

What is Big Poet Give?

Whittier College’s Big Poet Give is an online fundraising campaign. It’s an opportunity for alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends to show their support for academics, athletics and campus programs.

How does it work?

Any individual or business can make a gift to any area on campus or to the Whittier Fund. All donations are tax deductible. All donors will be listed on this website unless requested otherwise by the donor.

Can I make a gift by phone or mail?

You can call (562) 464-4577 to make your gift over the phone. Most of our donors prefer to give using this website for speedy processing and for live updating of Big Poet Give totals.

Can I make a pledge or give via stock transfer?

Yes! Please contact or (562) 464-4577.

What are ambassadors and how do I become one?

Ambassadors create awareness and inspire others to donate across the Poet community and beyond. Anyone engaged with Whittier College can be a champion for Big Poet Give. If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, you can register on the Ambassadors tab or email with questions.

COVID-19 has affected my ability to make a gift at this time. Can I support Whittier College in any other ways?

Of course! Share the link to on your social media accounts with the hashtag #BigPoetGive or send it directly to your friends and colleagues. If you have another idea, we'd love to hear it! Email us at

Can't find your preferred designation?

We're happy to help! Email us at or give us a call at (562) 464-4577.

What is the "Donor Wall"?

The Donor Wall displays a full list of the donations to the campaign, and it can be viewed by clicking the "Donor Wall" tab on the campaign page. Using the options found at the bottom of this donation page, each donor can customize the way their gift can be viewed on the site by hiding their name, the amount they gave, or both.

What is the difference between hiding my name on the Donor Wall and making my donation anonymously?

Hiding your name and/or the amount you gave on the donor wall only changes the way your gift is acknowledged on this campaign's page. Your donation may still be acknowledged through donor walls (when applicable) and any other methods of recognizing Whittier College donors. If you wish to make your gift totally anonymous, answer "Yes" to the question "Do you prefer to make this donation anonymously?". This will also give you the opportunity to request that all donations you make to Whittier College in the future will be treated the same way. Please note, that you will also need to select your Donor Wall display preferences for each gift you make to Big Poet Give.

Why should I participate?

A gift to Whittier College enables to us boldly move forward with our mission to prepare students from diverse backgrounds to excel in a complex global society. Your gift, no matter how big or small, helps make a transformative impact on the next generation of leaders. 

Is there a minimum gift amount?

Whittier College accepts gifts of $5 or more. 

Where should I give?

Give to the area at Whittier College you're most passionate about! If you aren't sure of a specific area to give to the Whittier Fund - Area of Greatest Need. The Whittier Fund has the flexibility to meet the most pressing college needs and help sustain the core services of that are the essence of the Poet experience. 

Still have questions?

Contact us at